Make a Free Instagram Followers Analysis in 1 Minute
- Analysis shows the quality of followers why? You will know the quality of your followers and understand who reads and likes your posts, and also why coverage is falling
- Audience criteria such as gender, age, geolocation, activity and authenticity why? This data will help you make better content, because you know who your followers are and where they come from.
- Increase reach, engagement, and activity by removing junk and inactive audiences why? Bots and junk audience are not active, which means they "spoil" the statistics, in the service you can remove them forever
6 Tools to Increase Your Account Reach
- Profile Rating
- Analytics
- Deleting bots
- Monitoring
- Spam protection
- Selection of bloggers
An Instagram profile can turn a visitor into a loyal follower and customer (in a couple of minutes)...
... or maybe FOREVER push him away.
It all depends on how well it is designed.
A special program from InstaHero will analyze your profile according to 9 key parameters and show you which elements in it need to be changed. To increase its effectiveness.
- Gender percentage of your followers why? You will understand how many women and men you have in order to better prepare content
- Percentage of inactive profiles that have been inactive on their page and yours for more than one month why? You can see who is not liking you and remind them of your account to boost activity
- The number of business profiles that tend not to scroll through the feed on Instagram why? You can delete unwanted followers who are of no use if desired
- Those accounts that have more than 1500 followings. It indicates the use of mass following why? You can remove accounts that are most likely not interested in your content at all
- Number of private profiles why? This is a bonus feature.:)
- Number of mutual followers (you follow each other) why? You can like and comment those who follows you like you follow him
- Percentage of foreign accounts (the language in the profile is not Russian) why? If you do not want to have foreigners, you can remove them from your account
- Automatic removal of bots why? The service itself will remove bots and junk accounts from your Instagram account, you only need to turn it on. It's safe.
- Manual setting of deleting followers according to the selected parameters why? If you want to see exactly who you are deleting, for example, Arabs or those with over 7000 followers
- Manual setting of deletion limits why? If you don't want a noticeable decrease in your followers count, we can delete them a little at a time but every day.
Bots or non-targeted, junk subscribers hang dead weight in your account. They don't watch posts, they don't like and they don't leave comments...
But they reduce your reach. If you remove the bots, the reach will rise (without ads and additional injections of money).
- Protection from unwanted comments
- Protection from tags on spam publications
- Protection from unwanted requests in Direct
- Curse words
- Mentioning other people's accounts
- Mention of given words
- Absence of an avatar
- Few posts on the wall
- Too many followings
Run a free analysis and find who is reducing your reach!
A detailed analysis of subscribers will show which accounts prevent you from increasing your reach!

You will increase your sales by
- Analytics
- Cleaning bots
- Monitoring
- Account protection
1) The analysis will help identify junk, non-target subscribers. The less garbage, the higher the coverage. The more people will know about you... The more clients you will have.
2) Analysis helps you get to know your audience better. Her age. Her geography. Her preferences. This helps to create more interesting content... And the more interesting the content, the higher the engagement. The more sales.
3) You can analyze not only your account, but also donor competitors when you start masslooking or mass following. Quality donors will bring targeted subscribers and buyers to you.
Everything is simple...
The fewer bots you have in your account, the higher the reach. The higher the reach, the higher the audience engagement (more potential customers or subscribers see your posts).
The more engaged customers (or subscribers), the more sales. Or advertising contracts (if you are a blogger).
Find out your mistakes in your INSTAGRAM profile and attract more clients!
Who should join

Your account will only have targeted, interested in shopping subscribers. And sales will go up.

Reach will rise (due to the removal of bots), you will understand what content "enters" the audience best... And there will be more subscribers.

Business profiles
You will attract more customers due to high-quality ad monitoring and high coverage.

SMM specialists
With the service you will become an ESSENTIAL specialist for clients. Who sees, knows and does MORE than everyone else.
How to start using InstaHero

Frequently Asked Questions
We welcome cooperation with
- Bloggers
- SMM - specialists
- Course owners
- Coverage of posts or stories is 3000+
- Quality Audience
- The theme of the blog is blogging or promotion, as well as related topics
- Do you work with bloggers?
- Ready to recommend us to your clients?
- Ready to advertise us in profile chats?
Discount promo code for your customers
Your personal promotional code for orders through you
- Your courses should be on the topic of promotion and/or blogging

Affiliate program
Refer new users to the Instahero service and earn 20% of recurring revenue for every customer you refer for life. It’s a great way to build passive income!